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Step 04: Obtain Offers, Select And Contract Evaluators

The objective of the tendering, selection and contracting process is to identify the evaluator(s) best qualified for the assignment and to award them a contract.

Leila Broich Sector Strategy, Knowledge and Learning Unit (bis 2023)


The process of obtaining offers should be started once the ToR have been finalised, 4–6 weeks prior to the field phase. However, should you be looking for a certain thematic/ methodological expertise you should start the process at least 3–4 months in advance.


What for?

The objective of the tendering, selection and contracting process is to identify the evaluator(s) best qualified for the assignment and to award them a contract. The choice of the right evaluator(s) is an important step, if not the most decisive, as the evaluator(s) capacities have a huge influence on the quality of the evaluation process and results. The objective of the selection process is to identify the evaluator(s) who best meet(s) the defined criteria and provides the optimal combination of expertise and price. As the process involves the procurement of services, it is important to apply Welthungerhilfe procurement rules to ensure transparent and economic results.

Generally, the Welthungerhilfe Rules for the Awarding of Contracts (RAC) apply to the tendering and contracting processes of evaluators (note Annex 2 to the RAC). However, the Logistics and Internal Services Unit – also being responsible for supporting the “purchase” of services, i.e. consultants/ companies for evaluations – has developed some information regarding “Consultancy Services/ Evaluator(s)”

Please consider the following documents on the WHH WIKI Logistics and Internal Services:

Note: Our standard evaluation ToR already cover the following “key data”, requested by the Logistics and Internal Services Unit:

Experience shows it is often common practice that the contracting only takes place after the briefing session, since in that meeting crucial agreements, i.e. on the scope of the evaluation, elaborateness of the evaluation design etc., are made that might have financial and hence contractual implications. Check whether the selected evaluator(s) is (are) ready to first have a briefing session before receiving the final contract.

Who is responsible and involved?

It is the evaluation managers’ responsibility to adhere to the RAC when it comes to obtaining offers. The evaluation manager is responsible for facilitating and coordinating the selection process. Besides the evaluation manager, the primary evaluation users should also participate in the selection of the evaluator(s). When it comes to contracting the evaluator(s), the evaluation manager has to delegate this task to either the person or unit in charge for contracting consultants/purchasing services.

What helps me do it?

WHH WIKI Logistics and Internal Services

Contact our colleague in the procurement and internal service unit for further support: helpdesk.procurement(at)welthungerhilfe.de 

What do I get?

Qualified evaluator contracted.

Step Overview: Evaluation Management Manual

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